Tcl - you can fly in the air and through walls Tcai - activates or deactivates enemies' ability to fight Tai - activates or deactivates the intelligence of all NPCs You receive no damage, you have unlimited ammunition and action points Special commands that allow you to add new items to the inventory have been grouped in the next chapter. The cheats can be deactivated at any point of the game by typing the same command again. They mostly affect the protagonist, his abilities, resistance and level. In this chapter you will find cheats related to general gameplay.

In further chapters you will find various cheats divided into categories. Most commands typed in the console will return a message that confirms the command is working. Some codes, such as "god mode", can be activated and then deactivated by typing the same command again. In order to use them, you must press the tilde ~ key and type in selected command. Thanks to that, the number and variety of cheats is great. This section has been greatly developed in the game. In this chapter you will find a list of cheats for Fallout 4.